Hype sneakers
Hype sneakers

hype sneakers

It looked like a homeless sleep-out, but the people were just too well-dressed. Black and khaki green camping chairs lined one of the city’s busiest thoroughfares and the street was littered with pillows and sleeping bags. It was lunch time on a typical cloudy day in Melbourne’s CBD. Everytime there’s a new sneaker drop, throngs of sneakerheads queue outside this Little Bourke St shopfront. Sneakerboy is one of the most popular sneaker stores in Melbourne. But to the true ‘sneakerheads’, their particular world is quite exclusive, each with a love of sneakers that is hard to comprehend. Now, in this globalised, fashionable world of ours, sometimes it seems like the whole world has gone shoe crazy from the wall-to-wall display closets of Carrie Bradshaw to the some 30 variations of Air Jordan Nikes. Becoming one of the most powerful style movements over the last three decades, they are the only fashion statement that defies size, age, gender, and race. Shoes have evolved in our world to represent more than just pieces of material that we wrap our feet in, and sneakers are more than just decked out running shoes. The way you’re going to move is quite dictated by your shoes”. In the words of legendary shoe designer, Christian Louboutin, “ a shoe is not only a design, but it’s a part of your body language, the way you walk.

hype sneakers

We use them to show off our personal style and make ourselves known in the world. They are works of art and design triumphs, which we can take with us wherever we go. Our shoes mean more to us than just practicality. I own a pair of blue Vans and a pair of maroon Converse shoes (complete with rainbow laces) and I’ve never played a game of basketball or ridden a skateboard in my life, yet that’s what they were each originally designed for. Many of us don’t even wear them for sports. Whatever you call them, we all own a pair.

Hype sneakers