Halbrook also said language in the decision stating that “everybody gets an equal chance to get a license” is significant. Maryland Judiciary Case Search (Case Search) is the primary way that the public may search for records of court cases. In New York’s case, the state required proof of “proper cause” to carry concealed weapons and for applicants to show officials that they faced “special or unique” danger that necessitated a concealed carry firearm. The decision raises constitutional questions to the laws similar to New York’s in the other five states that give officials discretionary powers over the issuance of concealed carry permits. Bruen case comes amid intense public debate over gun control measures and Second Amendment rights in the wake of two horrific mass shootings in Buffalo, N.Y., and Uvalde, Texas. The Supreme Court’s 6-3 decision in the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. All they have to do is consider whatever they have equivalent to the New York law to be invalid, and they might as well just cross it out,” he said. “None of these states will have to amend their laws. You can then view a mugshot, race, height, build, entry date, gender, weight, exact location, including their unit and each offense with details pertaining to it. Case Harvester is a project designed to mine the Maryland Judiciary Case Search (MJCS) and build a near-complete database of Maryland court cases that can. Please share any questions or comments with us at as we continue to work on this issue.Stephen Halbrook - a firearms law litigator and author who specializes in constitutional cases - told The Hill that the Supreme Court decision is likely to force them to strike down their existing laws. You can click any of the rows to see more details. Usually, JIS tries to post a notice at the header of Case Search when this occurs, as soon as they are aware of the issue, and then they work with the local jurisdiction to get systems up and running again. Each jurisdiction has its own, separate case management system and if that local system is down, case search will not return results. Members also reported receiving error notices for a specific jurisdiction. MSBA reached out to the Judicial Information Systems (JIS) on this issue, and this wording will soon be changed to remove the word “Error” from the search result. Some users received notice of an “unexpected error” for suppressed cases, which has caused confusion. (A user would have to go to a courthouse kiosk or request information directly from a courthouse clerk to access some of those cases, if permitted).

CAPTCHA technology has been added to prevent robots and automated systems from accessing Case Search, so users must now click through to confirm they are not an automated system.For partial name searches, a user must input the first two characters of a last name and at least one character of a first name, followed by %
Default search to exact full names only.The Case Search Notices page online explains several of the changes and reasons why results do not always show up: Recent changes to the law have limited the ability to access some records. Below are some resources and information about the website that may be helpful in future searches. Members have shared questions and concerns about functionality updates, search option changes, and recent error messages.

MSBA members regularly use Maryland Judiciary Case Search, a website that provides public access to the case records of the Maryland Judiciary.